Elite Bonus, Special Events, and Sweepstakes Sponsors
Contingency Connection offers over $100,000 in NATIONAL weekly contingency Racer Rewards, Banquet Awards, and the following end-of-season Champions Bonus Packages and Special Events.
*See your track or series operator for details on how to qualify for Contingency Connection Bonus Packages!
Racer Rewards Elite Championship Bonus Sponsors

Elgin® $500 Power Package Bonus offers a complete high-performance engine valvetrain valued at $500 to one lucky champion at each Contingency Connection track & series. The package includes an Elgin PRO-STOCK® camshaft, push rods, rocker arms, valves, and valve springs for one engine.
$500 Value

BATTLE of the CHAMPions Bonus offers a $200 Champ Pans product bonus for ONE Champion at all Contingency Connection tracks.
$200 Value

JE Pistons Sportsman of the Year will recognize one exemplary racer from each track with a $200 product certificate, and JE Pistons apparel package.
$200 Value

Canton Racing Products High Performer Award will reward one Champion at each track with a $100 certificate towards their next $200 purchase—plus other Canton promo items.
$150 Value

AutoMeter Gauges “Built In America Bonus will reward one Top-Performer at each Contingency Connection track with a $125 AutoMeter gauge product certificate.
$125 Value

Rottler Grassroots Racing Bonus will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $100 product certificate.
$100 Value

Chew On This-Jerky Champions Bonus will honor one winner at each Contingency Connection track/series.
$50 value

P1 Champions Bonus will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $200 product certificate.
$200 Value

MAHLE/Clevite Grassroots Racing Bonus awards a $400 Champions Bonus to one champion at each Contingency Connection track. ($200 MAHLE/ $200 Clevite)
$400 Value

Daytona Sensors Racing Performance Bonus awards $200 bonus to each Contingency Connection track & series.
$200 Value

JMS Chip & Performance Throttle Performance Bonus will be awarded to each Contingency Connection track or series.
$200 Value

DERALE will recognize ONE overall Contingency Connection Grassroots Racing Champion from each track and series.
$150 Value

Hawk Performance Winners Circle Bonus will award one champion from each track with a $100 Website Shopping Spree.
$100 Value

Scat Cranks Out Winners Bonus will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $200 product certificate.
$200 Value

WINNERS RUN E3 Bonus E3 Spark Plugs will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $50 product certificate.
$50 Value

Race-Gas® will award Race-Gas®"Get Your Gas in Gear" Champions Bonus to ONE champion at each Contingency Connection track or series.
$295 Value

Eagle Elite Champions Bonus will honor one winner at each track/series.
$200 Value

Magnecor "Hard Charger" Award Package will be presented too each Contingency Connection track or series.
$200 Value

HOLLEY Brands Grassroots Champions Bonuswill recognize one top performing Champion at each Contingency Connection track and series with a $150 towards Holley brand products.
$150 Value

Lincoln Electric will award a Lincoln Electric Champions Bonus to ONE Champion at each Contingency Connection track or series.
$100 Value

Strapworks Strap in to Win Bonus will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $50 product certificate.
$50 Value

AFR Grassroots Racing Bonus will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $200 product certificate.
$200 Value

Melling Performance Parts RACER of the YEAR will be awarded to each track/series.
$250 value

Firman Generators Winners Bonus will reward one Champion at each track with 50% OFF their next generator purchase and cool Firman swag.
$200 Value

SPA Technique Grassroots Fire Suppression System Initiative will award ONE overall champion from each Contingency Connection track with a $200 product package.
$200 Value

Racing Radios Racer Appreciation Bonus will offer a $150 prize package to ONE champion at each Contingency Connection track including a $100 product certificate, apparel, and decal package.
$150 Value

Painless Performance CIRCUIT Challenge will recognize ONE overall Contingency Connection Champion from each track with a $100 Painless product award and decal package.
$100 Value

Thermo-Tec COOL IT Bonus will be awarded to each Contingency Connection track or series.
$100 Value

ICON Forged Pistons "Race to the Flag" Bonus will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $150 product certificate.
$150 Value

The Original BOSS HOG Bonus will offer a 150.00 Gift Certificate towards it’s "Street Bandit" Torque Converter Series –OR- $250.00 off it’s "Outlaw" NOS/Trans-Break Torque Converter
$150-$250 Value

IDIDIT Performance American Made Grassroots Bonus will be awarded to one winner at each track/series.
$200 value

AEROMOTIVE Serious Fuel Systems Bonus awards one winner per track/series.
$150 Value

Stage 8 Fasteners WORLD’S BEST Bonus will recognize ONE Champion at each Contingency Connection track with a $100 product certificate, apparel, and a Stage 8 Locking Header Bolt Kit.
$150 Value

RaceTec Piston Performance Bonus will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $100 product certificate.
$100 Value

ACL Race Series Champions Bonus - $50 product certificate and decal package for one champion at each track and series.
$50 Value

KB Performance Pistons Championship Bonus will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $150 product certificate.
$150 Value
Racer Rewards Special Events Sponsors

Melling Performance Parts will host "Melling Race Weekends Across America" at all Contingency Connection tracks & series in appreciation of loyal racers, performance shops, and fans offering Melling gift certificates for race winners, and promotional giveaways including t-shirts, hats, koozies, pens, decals, and notebooks for fans.
$1000 value per track

Richmond Gear will host nearly 100 Richmond Gear Weekend Warrior events awarding $250 Prize Packages featuring product certificates, apparel, and other Richmond promotional awards to two lucky Weekend Warriors!
$500 value per track

Lincoln Welder Bonus Lincoln will award one champion with a $100 gift certificate towards welding gear with a welder purchase or a Lincoln swag gift pack.
$100 value per track

Race Gas sponsors a "Get Your Gas in Gear" night at each of the Contingency Connection tracks and series.

Hawk Performance sponsors an "Outbrake the Competition" night at each of the Contingency Connection tracks and series.
Racer Rewards Sweepstakes Sponsors

Lincoln Welder
SCAT Crankshafts $200 Product
Cloyes $500 Product Sweepstakes

CLEVITE $1000 Product Sweepstakes

$250 Merchandise & Apparel Sweepstakes