Sweepstakes - Special Events - Bonus Awards
CLOYES $500 Product Sweepstakes
$250 Merchandise & Apparel Sweepstakes
MILODON $1000 Product Sweepstakes
RACING RADIOS $1000 Product Sweepstakes
CLEVITE $1000 Product Sweepstakes


Melling Performance will host "Melling Race Weekends" at all Contingency Connection tracks & series in appreciation of loyal racers, performance shops, and fans offering two (2) $150 gift certificates for Melling event winners, plus fan promotional giveaways including t-shirts, hats, sunglasses, koozies, earplugs, pens, decals, and notebooks.
$900 retail value per track.

Richmond Gear will award over 100 grassroots Weekend Warrior Racers nationwide offering three (3) $250 product certificates to three lucky Richmond Gear Weekend Warriors at each Contingency Connection track & series!
$750 retail value per track.

Race Gas will sponsor “Race-Gas® “Get Your Gas in Gear” events at all Contingency Connection tracks and series awarding two (2) winners a case of Race-Gas, (Race-Gas Ultra or Race Gas Diesel) and other cool awards. Plus, four (4) fans will win a Race-Gas® “fan pack” including a tee shirt, hat, key chain, and decals.
$800 retail value per track.

Hawk Performance will host OUTBRAKE the Competition Weekends at all Contingency Connection tracks & series offering the ultimate SWAG PACK for racers and fans including decals, shirts, hats, lanyards, and more! Plus, each track will receive three (3) $100 HAWK Performance gift certificates for winning racers in each market.
$600 retail value per track


Elgin® $500 Power Package Bonus offers a complete high-performance engine valvetrain valued at $500 to one lucky champion at each Contingency Connection track & series. The package includes an Elgin PRO-STOCK® camshaft, push rods, rocker arms, valves, and valve springs for one engine.
$500 Value

BATTLE of the CHAMPions Bonus offers a $200 Champ Pans product bonus for ONE Champion at all Contingency Connection tracks.
$200 Value

JE Pistons Sportsman of the Year will recognize one exemplary racer from each track with a $200 product certificate, and JE Pistons apparel package.
$200 Value

Canton Racing Products High Performer Award will reward one Champion at each track with a $100 certificate towards their next $200 purchase—plus other Canton promo items.
$150 Value

AutoMeter Gauges “Built In America Bonus will reward one Top-Performer at each Contingency Connection track with a $125 AutoMeter gauge product certificate.
$125 Value

Rottler Grassroots Racing Bonus will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $100 product certificate.
$100 Value

Chew On This-Jerky Champions Bonus will honor one winner at each Contingency Connection track/series.
$50 value

P1 Champions Bonus will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $200 product certificate.
$200 Value

MAHLE/Clevite Grassroots Racing Bonus awards a $400 Champions Bonus to one champion at each Contingency Connection track. ($200 MAHLE/ $200 Clevite)
$400 Value

Daytona Sensors Racing Performance Bonus awards $200 bonus to each Contingency Connection track & series.
$200 Value

JMS Chip & Performance Throttle Performance Bonus will be awarded to each Contingency Connection track or series.
$200 Value

DERALE will recognize ONE overall Contingency Connection Grassroots Racing Champion from each track and series.
$150 Value

Hawk Performance Winners Circle Bonus will award one champion from each track with a $100 Website Shopping Spree.
$100 Value

Scat Cranks Out Winners Bonus will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $200 product certificate.
$200 Value

WINNERS RUN E3 Bonus E3 Spark Plugs will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $50 product certificate.
$50 Value

Race-Gas® will award Race-Gas®"Get Your Gas in Gear" Champions Bonus to ONE champion at each Contingency Connection track or series.
$295 Value

Eagle Elite Champions Bonus will honor one winner at each track/series.
$200 Value

Magnecor "Hard Charger" Award Package will be presented too each Contingency Connection track or series.
$200 Value

HOLLEY Brands Grassroots Champions Bonuswill recognize one top performing Champion at each Contingency Connection track and series with a $150 towards Holley brand products.
$150 Value

Lincoln Electric will award a Lincoln Electric Champions Bonus to ONE Champion at each Contingency Connection track or series.
$100 Value

Strapworks Strap in to Win Bonus will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $50 product certificate.
$50 Value

AFR Grassroots Racing Bonus will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $200 product certificate.
$200 Value

Melling Performance Parts RACER of the YEAR will be awarded to each track/series.
$250 value

Firman Generators Winners Bonus will reward one Champion at each track with 50% OFF their next generator purchase and cool Firman swag.
$200 Value

SPA Technique Grassroots Fire Suppression System Initiative will award ONE overall champion from each Contingency Connection track with a $200 product package.
$200 Value

Racing Radios Racer Appreciation Bonus will offer a $150 prize package to ONE champion at each Contingency Connection track including a $100 product certificate, apparel, and decal package.
$150 Value

Painless Performance CIRCUIT Challenge will recognize ONE overall Contingency Connection Champion from each track with a $100 Painless product award and decal package.
$100 Value

Thermo-Tec COOL IT Bonus will be awarded to each Contingency Connection track or series.
$100 Value

ICON Forged Pistons "Race to the Flag" Bonus will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $150 product certificate.
$150 Value

The Original BOSS HOG Bonus will offer a 150.00 Gift Certificate towards it’s "Street Bandit" Torque Converter Series –OR- $250.00 off it’s "Outlaw" NOS/Trans-Break Torque Converter
$150-$250 Value

IDIDIT Performance American Made Grassroots Bonus will be awarded to one winner at each track/series.
$200 value

AEROMOTIVE Serious Fuel Systems Bonus awards one winner per track/series.
$150 Value

Stage 8 Fasteners WORLD’S BEST Bonus will recognize ONE Champion at each Contingency Connection track with a $100 product certificate, apparel, and a Stage 8 Locking Header Bolt Kit.
$150 Value

RaceTec Piston Performance Bonus will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $100 product certificate.
$100 Value

ACL Race Series Champions Bonus - $50 product certificate and decal package for one champion at each track and series.
$50 Value

KB Performance Pistons Championship Bonus will award ONE Track Champion at each Contingency Connection tracks & series with a $150 product certificate.
$150 Value